As a postdoc at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, I co-authored a critical review on equity in Chemistry Education Research to be entitled:

Beyond Epistemologies of Ignorance: For the Advancement of Equity through Chemistry Education Research

Though the reviewers praised our work for its methodology and theory, two prominent journals in our field rejected it. The reason? It made them uncomfortable.

This rejection, while disheartening, sparked an idea. If established journals wouldn't publish critically informed research, I'd create a space for it. Thus, The Cuvette was born – a journal connecting and empowering leaders in science education by fostering critical chemistry education conversations.

Excited, I was unprepared for what would happen next. 😱

Personal Upheaval & Professional Crisis

2022 brought unexpected challenges. A divorce led me to decline a prestigious administrative role in Oregon, prioritizing stability for my child. Suddenly, I had six weeks to find a new job – a daunting task for anyone, especially in academia.

Lesson #1: Discomfort Can Lead to Innovation

In a moment of desperation, I turned to social media:

And the support I received was nothing short of incredible. 🤯

From Crisis to Opportunity

This post caught the attention of a colleague at UW-Madison. He connected me with MONET, an NSF-funded Research Center seeking someone to evaluate and improve their broader impact programming.

There was just one catch: the position was in North Carolina. Thankfully, MONET offered a remote consulting arrangement – if I had an LLC.

Thanks to The Cuvette, I did.

Lesson #2: Vulnerability Can Open Doors

This opportunity marked the beginning of Cuvette Collective's transformation. ✨

Since then, we've:

  • Collaborated with prestigious institutions, including Duke, Columbia, University of Michigan, UIUC, Johns Hopkins, & MIT
  • Supported over 27 graduate students across 13 universities in developing signature professional development experiences
  • Managed MONET's Undergraduate Research Program, distributed across 13 universities
  • Collaborated with colleagues to revise the NSF ETAP application prompts, allowing for more equitable and accessible undergraduate research experiences
  • Developed outreach kits inspired by MONET's research papers, impacting 9,403 participants across museums, schools, and community centers
  • Generated $365,000 in revenue since September 2022

Incredibly Helpful Skills: Research & Teaching

I can't express enough gratitude for those who have influenced my development as an educator and a researcher. My background taught me the importance of participant engagement and measurable impacts.

My experiences as a teacher have profoundly informed our outreach efforts.

Instead of demonstrating our research, we guide participants in genuine explorations of specific phenomena relevant to their lives. For example, we used the "What's inside a soccer ball?" question to explore polymer chemistry, involving participants in hands-on, guided discovery.

Lesson #3: Engagement Over Demonstration in Outreach

When we hosted the Art of Polymers concert with the Multiverse Series at MIT, my research experiences shined through.

I asked, "Who are we impacting?" The data revealed that many of our attendees were already familiar with MONET's work, so we pivoted. To reach a broader, more diverse audience, we're planning a more accessible installment of the series in San Diego for March 2025, coinciding with the ACS Spring Conference.

Since then, my colleagues and I have developed multiple dashboards and databases to work by the mantra that every mission needs a metric.

Click the image to explore a database I made for MONET's Outreach Program (it was created in Notion).
Click here to explore a database I made for MONET's Outreach Program.

This allowed us to evaluate our progress and continuously improve our initiatives tangibly.

Lesson #4: Every Mission Needs a Metric

These lessons have informed the development of two outreach kits inspired by MONET's research papers, which have impacted 9,400+ participants across museums, schools, and community centers in just 18 months.

From Scarcity to Abundance

I will admit I have made mistakes along the way. Driven by the responsibility of being the sole provider for my children following a divorce and during some of the worst economic challenges our country has faced, I initially focused on financial security. Every negotiation was meticulous, and every billable hour was accounted for.

But I soon discovered a paradox: the more I fixated on money, the more elusive it became.

It was through this struggle that I learned my most valuable lesson:

Lesson #5: Don't let scarcity hinder your abundance.

Something remarkable happened as I shifted my focus from grinding for dollars to passionately pursuing our mission. The income I needed began to meet me. This transformation wasn't just financial; it was a profound shift in my mindset.

Now, having reached a point where I can comfortably provide for my family, my concerns have evolved. I'm no longer driven by financial worry but by a deep desire for fulfillment, impact, and making a meaningful difference in the scientific community.

What's Next for Cuvette Collective

This personal and professional growth journey has led us to some exciting new chapters!

The Consulting Firm

We're expanding! Seeking new research centers to support and talented colleagues to join our team of consultants.

A Production Agency?

We've also secured our first contract as a production agency! This means we'll create engaging YouTube videos and podcast episodes that translate complex scientific concepts into accessible, inspiring content for a broader audience.

We aim to bridge the gap between cutting-edge research and public understanding, fostering a deeper appreciation for science and its impact on our world.

If you know anyone who might be interested in this, please share this post with them!

A Heartfelt Thank You

As I reflect on this incredible journey, I'm filled with gratitude for every challenge, every opportunity, and every person who has been part of this story. Your support, whether as a colleague, client, or reader, has been instrumental in bringing Cuvette Collective to where it is today.

Remember, in your journey:

  1. Embrace discomfort – it often leads to innovation.
  2. Be vulnerable – it can open unexpected doors.
  3. Measure your impact – every mission needs a metric.
  4. Engage, don't just demonstrate – make your work relevant and accessible.
  5. Focus on serving others – true fulfillment follows.

Thank you for being part of this journey. Together, we're not just communicating science; we're inspiring curiosity, fostering understanding, and shaping the future of scientific education. Here's to the next chapter of discovery and impact!


Vanessa Rosa, Ph.D.

Founder (and currently the sole member 😅) of Cuvette Collective

Next Week: 3D Molecular Animation: A Chemist's Guide to Visual Storytelling ⚛

Imagine witnessing chemical reactions at the molecular level. While we can't physically shrink ourselves, 3D molecular animation offers the next best thing. Check out this step-by-step guide!

✨ Subscribe for Updates! ✨

About Cuvette Collective:

Cuvette Collective represents a community of educators and scientists dedicated to empowering the societal impact of STEM research.

We provide tailored tools, strategies, and insights to help scientists craft authentic, impactful broader impact plans that align with NSF priorities and their research focus.

Our engaging blog posts, interactive resources, and personalized consulting services support researchers in leveraging their scientific expertise to make a meaningful difference in society.

How to get involved:

1️⃣ Subscribe to our blog for the latest tips and insights.

2️⃣ Apply to participate in the Broader Impacts Excellence Program.

3️⃣ Reach out and let us know how we can help to enhance your broader impacts efforts.

Cuvette Collective logo (a cuvette in the background, with a large cursive "C" in the center and the word "Collective" across the side).
Cuvette Collective's Logo as of 2024.